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University Library

Research Help Toolkit

New to Research Help? This guide is a good place to start.

Add a Research Help Transaction

Add a Research Help Transaction

Record all transactions related to reference, including staffing the research help or info/checkout desk, responding to direct emails, or wandering the library.

LibAnswers Login: Chat, Ask a Librarian

LibAnswers Operator Dashboard

Access incoming tickets (ask a librarian) and chat.

At the start of your Research Help Shift:

  1. Sign into LibAnswers.
  2. Review "New" LibAnswers tickets. Claim and answer "New" tickets if possible. If you are unsure of the answer, please notify Kaitlin Springmier ( of the ticket.
  3. Sign into LibChat and monitor incoming questions. Note: Sonoma State participates in multiple LibChat Consortia- Academic Global Cooperative; CALSTATEU-Academic. While staffing the research help desk, it is only required that you staff the LOCAL Sonoma State LibChat.

At the end of your Research Help Shift

  1. SIgn off LibChat by changing your status to "Offline", and closing the window. 
  2. Be sure you have recorded all Research Help transactions