A Walk-Through of So You Want to Talk about Race by Ijeoma Oluo: the 2022-23 Common Read.
April 27, 2022 | 5:00pm - 6:30pm
In preparation for the 2022-23 Common Read of Ijeoma Oluo’s So You Want to Talk about Race, we would like to host a communal walk-through of the book. Oluo gives straightforward, clear ways to respond to challenges about racial and racialized issues. Each chapter poses a question and then walks the reader through examples, offering a step-by-step logical process to dismantle racist statements and arguments. As much as possible in the time given, we’d like to go chapter by chapter in order discuss Oluo’s central points and potential points of tension for integrating the book into the classroom and campus-wide discussion. We would like participants to come away with a feeling of familiarity, expertise, and perhaps even kinship, as we individually shape our roles in the upcoming community discussion.
Facilitated by: Dr. Suzanne Toczyski (French) & Dr. Anthony Rizzuto (English)