Link directly to course reserves to help students locate their required reading.
The Library helps ensure that all students in the class have access to required course materials with course reserves. Items on reserve have shorter loan periods, and have to be used in the library. You can place personal items or library material on reserve. To place items on reserve, you can fill out a reserves request form at least 3 business days prior to the needed date.
Once your items are on reserve in the library, you can link to them in Canvas.
Tip: Put your syllabus in Canvas using the Syllabus feature in the course navigation. Include the item title and call number so students can easily access the information from a printed copy of the syllabus.
To make sure students do the required reading before class, consider:
For more tips, Check out an article by David Gooblar, columnist with ChronicleVitae, or ask a librarian for help.