What's in this Counseling Research Guide?
This guide is geared toward students in the SSU MA Counseling Department, including the various clinical and school counseling programs. Here's what you'll find:
Articles & Databases: Where to find research and peer-reviewed journal articles, including a list of peer-reviewed journals in counseling.
Books & Media: Search for books and ebooks, including some sample search tips; encyclopedias for great overviews on topics, theories, theorists and more.
Methods/Tests/Stats: How to find psychological assessments, as well as some sources of relevant statistics.
APA 6th ed.: Citing your sources. Where do the periods & commas go?
Literature Reviews: What's a lit review, with some samples.
Annotated Bibliographies: What's an annotated bib, with examples.
Presentations: Tools and tips for creating presentations with pizazz.
More: Grant sources, career resources, keeping organized.
Do a basic keyword search in OneSearch to find books, articles, media, and more.
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