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University Library

Criminology & Criminal Justice


Books are excellent sources for in-depth coverage, the history and chronology, or overview of a topic. They can also provide you background information and recommendations for further research. A book doesn't need to be read cover-to-cover to be used for research. To learn more about how to use books for research, visit the Cayuga Community College Library guide Using Books for Research.

Search for books

Search the Library's catalog, OneSearch, for physical and electronic books on your topic. You can also use OneSearch to find and request books or scans of book chapters from other libraries.

Search OneSearch

Do a basic keyword search in OneSearch to find books, articles, media, and more.

Sample Library Catalog Searches

Check out the fascinating books that come up with the following searches:


pyschology and crim*

Use the * to find:
criminology, etc.


"white collar crime"  
Using " " preserves the phrase in the results list.


restorative justice OR crime prevention  
will bring up:  
results that include information on restorative justice or crime prevention, broadening your information gathering.

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