When you're working on a research assignment, you may need evidence to back up your argument. Whether you're looking for data on specific populations, social issues, places, or industries, we probably have the right kind of database to help you find what you need.
Not sure exactly what kind of data you need or how to find it? That's what your librarian is here for. Reach out and a librarian can help you.
Statista consolidates statistical data on over 80,000 topics from more than 22,500 sources, including consumer data, market research, social and cultural statistics, media and advertising data, and more. ***STATISTA DOES NOT WORK WELL IN FIREFOX; PLEASE USE AN ALTERNATE BROWSER***
Provides information on over 170 countries. This resource contains data on the local economy, money, customs, climate, business etiquette, and internal travel information. It also provides maps, images, and practical information about telecommunications, Internet connectivity, security and health concerns
Hard-to-get, timely annual reports and financial data on all companies in our International Company Data database. Also includes Country Profile Reports and an EDGAR search option.
In-depth reports on over 700 industries. Each 30-40pp report includes key statistics and analysis on market characteristics, operating conditions, current and forecast performance, market size, market share of competitors, and industry growth rates.
International Financial Statistics Online includes approximately 32,000 time series covering more than 200 countries starting in 1948. Includes exchange rates, Fund accounts and the main global and country economic indicators.