Browse the collections with P (Language and Literature) call number on the 3rd Flr north.
PG1-9665 Slavic. Baltic. Albanian (Europe, Eastern)
PH1-5490 Uralic. Basque (Finnish, Hungarian)
PJ1-(9500) Oriental literature
PJ4001-4091 Sumerian
PJ4501-5192 Hebrew
PJ5201-5329.5 Aramaic
PJ5401-5809 Syriac
PJ6001-8517 Arabic
PK1-(9601) Indo-Iranian philology and literature (South Asia)
PL1-8844 Languages of Eastern Asia, Africa, Oceania
PL501-889 Japanese language and literature
PL901-998 Korean language and literature
PL1001-3208 Chinese language and literature
PL5001-7511 Oceania languages and literature
PL8000-8844 African languages and literature
PN1-6790 Literature (General)
More Detail of Language and Literature by LC classification