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University Library

International Authors

This guide is created to help high school students with research on international literature.

Browse by Call Number

Browse the collections with P (Language and Literature) call number on the 3rd Flr north.

PG1-9665 Slavic.  Baltic. Albanian (Europe, Eastern)

PH1-5490 Uralic.  Basque (Finnish, Hungarian)

PJ1-(9500) Oriental literature

PJ4001-4091 Sumerian

PJ4501-5192 Hebrew

PJ5201-5329.5 Aramaic

PJ5401-5809 Syriac

PJ6001-8517 Arabic

PK1-(9601) Indo-Iranian philology and literature (South Asia)

PL1-8844 Languages of Eastern Asia, Africa, Oceania

PL501-889 Japanese language and literature

PL901-998 Korean language and literature

PL1001-3208 Chinese language and literature

PL5001-7511 Oceania languages and literature

PL8000-8844 African languages and literature

PN1-6790 Literature (General)


More Detail of Language and Literature by LC classification

Search Tools

Some of these databases are good as background information about author's work and biography.


Contemporary Authors

Tips:  Select advance search by Nationality, Birthplace, Work Title, Author, etc.


Literature Online (PQ)

Tips:  While on the main search page, select “Complete Contents” under Browse and peruse “National and Regional Literatures” section.  An alphabetical list of poets, their work and biographies are available online.


Humanities International Complete (EBSCO)


MLA International Bibliography (EBSCO)


Databases with specific area studies.

African Writers Series (PQ)

The Oxford Companion to Australian Literature

The Oxford Companion to New Zealand Literature

Note:  Many of these databases are subscribed by SSU Library and are appropriated by user of campus community only.  The databases are to be accessed on campus only.