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University Library

Religious Studies

This guide will help you identify key resources related to religious studies at Sonoma State and beyond.

Quick Search

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Do a basic keyword search in OneSearch to find books, articles, media, and more.


Welcome to OneSearch, your one-stop shop for finding library resources. OneSearch includes books, ebooks, media, articles, reports, primary sources, and more: Almost everything the library has is searchable via OneSearch. This video show some of the key tips and tricks for working with OneSearch. 

Searching Tips

Keyword Searching

Keyword searches look for your keyword anywhere in the description of the resource. Keyword searches look in the title, author, description, subject terms, and notes in the descriptions to find any instance of your keywords. These searches are broad, and can include many results. 

Using more than one keyword is recommended for returning more useful results. For example, instead of searching for religion, try searching for: 

  • Religion and Ancient Greece
  • Religion and Gender
  • Religion and Gender and Ancient Greece

Subject searches in online and print sources:

Subject Headings are specific terms or phrases used  by online or print indexes to describe the subject matter of a book or journal article.

To search a database effectively, start with a Keyword search, find relevant records, and then look at the relevant Subject Headings.

Finding a specific book or article

If you are trying to find a specific book or article, use Advanced Search and the drop-down menus to search in the Title, Author/Creator, and Publisher fields. This will narrow your search and make it easier to find the exact thing you're looking for. If the title is a common phrase or word, it can help to limit by material type, as well.