Let us know what would help support your research
OneSearch is the library search tool where you can find almost everything the SSU Library owns or subscribes to on one platform. Use OneSearch to find books or articles on American Multicultural Studies for your research project.
Most of our physical books are located on the 3rd floor of the library. Materials requested online can be picked up from the 2nd floor Info/Checkout Desk or 24/7 library lockers.
Most scholarly articles are available through OneSearch or library databases. Materials requested from other libraries will be available in about 24 hours.
These library databases and e-resources are recommended because they will help you find relevant information for most American Multicultural Studies topics and assignments at SSU. These databases primarily focus on academic research articles published in peer-reviewed journals, but may contain other kinds of sources, as well. If you're not sure whether an article is scholarly, you may want to consult with a librarian for help.
This full-text database is a dedicated resource covering the culture, traditions, social treatment and lived experiences of different ethnic groups in America. It provides full text from a growing list of sources including peer-reviewed journals, magazines, e-books, biographies and primary source documents.
Take a look at some of our recently added American Multicultural Studies books!
Click the following book titles to see their location and call numbers in the Catalog:
Are you looking for something we don’t have? We can get it for you! You can access all kinds of materials from other libraries through CSU+ and our resource sharing program.
Search all of the CSU libraries and other lending libraries using OneSearch and easily place requests directly by clicking Get it.
Most materials will be received in just a few days. There are no late fees and you can borrow items for up to 60 days.