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University Library



OneSearch is the library's main search engine and a great first-stop for finding all kinds of sources. Not only will you find all of the library's books and media, but you can also find articles, book reviews, government documents, maps, archival materials, and more. And it doesn't only include SSU's collections: you can search all of the CSU libraries and request things to be sent to you from any other library. 

This video will give you some pointers for searching and using OneSearch. 

Get started searching OneSearch right here: 

Search OneSearch

Use this form to search OneSearch. You can choose whether to search keywords, or look for a specific title, author, or subject term. You can also narrow down to the type of item you're looking for.

Tips and Tricks

Here are a few pointers to make finding things in OneSearch a little easier.

The left sidebar contains all kinds of limiters to refine your search. There's a language limiter if you need to find resources in Spanish, too. 

You can also limit by availability, type of resource, subject, and date. 

It's easy to request items that we don't have. You can request an entire book (or DVD or other physical resource) to be sent to the library where you can pick it up and check it out, or you can request just a chapter or an article to be sent do you digitally.