These resources are the First Stop for kinesiology research articles:
This international database, provided by Sport Information Resource Centre (SIRC), offers selective full text, and comprehensive, bibliographic coverage of sport, fitness and related disciplines.
Provides access to citations and abstracts to periodicals, documents and research reports in education. Some full-text is available.
The primary database for nursing and allied health research.
Provides full text for 336 scholarly journals, clinical innovations, critical paths, drug records, research instruments and clinical trials. Also provides indexing for 3,001 journals from the fields of nursing and allied health, with indexing back to 1937.
This database provides access to the full text of nursing and allied health journals, plus the wide variety of personal health information sources.
The Library provides access to online journals through our research databases. You can also access journals if you use the Library website links--don't go directly to the publishers' websites. These are direct links to a few key medical journals:
Do you use Google Scholar? Make it more effective by linking it to the Library and gaining access to our subscriptions.
Go to Google Scholar. Click on the Hamburger icon to view Settings, then Library Links in the left-hand column. Check the box next to "Sonoma State University" and save. Your search results will now include a Find It@SSU link. Click on Find It for full-text articles available from the SSU Library.
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