
University Library



Vetruvian Man

What's in the Kinesiology Research Guide?

You will find links to both library and public Internet resources to help you discover and organize information relevant to kinesiology research and physical education.

Peer-reviewed journal articles, specialized Library databases such as SportDiscus, links to journal title search and Interlibrary Loan.

Books: Print and ebooks, streaming video and DVDs, and search tips.

Reference Sources: Background and general information about your topic including statistics, encyclopedias, and the medical dictionary MediLexicon.

Writing Rources: Citation styles, and more.



Welcome to OneSearch

OneSearch is the library's main search interface, where you can find almost all the resources the library has to offer. You can search for various formats at once, or use limiters to filter your search. See the OneSearch research guide for user tips. 


Search OneSearch

Use this form to search OneSearch. You can choose whether to search keywords, or look for a specific title, author, or subject term. You can also narrow down to the type of item you're looking for.