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University Library

Chicano & Latino Studies

Your Research Method

Depending on your research question, your will probably need to find some primary source information to support your argument. The type of research you're doing will dictate the kind of evidence and primary source data you need. If you're doing historical research, you will want to find archival, historical documents from the time period you're studying. If you're analyzing art or literature, those texts will be your primary source data. If you're doing sociological research, you may need to find statistics or even conduct your own survey or interviews to gather information from the community you are studying. 

Determining your research method and the kind of evidence you need is a key part of the research process. Talk to your instructor or a librarian about how to determine the right methods for your research and how to find what you need. 

You may also want to consult the Sage Research Methods databases. These sources have tons of case studies, guides and research handbooks, and tools to help you understand different research methods. 


Social Science Datasets

Archival Sources

The library has access to many digitized collections of archival materials. Here are just a few of the sources that might be useful to you. Consult a librarian to help you find the sources you need for your research.