Marketing includes products, packaging, brands, new product development, pricing, promotion, location, segmentation by geography, by social culture, by consumer profiles, etc.
Primary data for market research is collected by surveys, observation, focus groups by marketing firms hired for primary research.
Secondary data can be found from trade organizations, government sources, securities analysts, and commercial publishers who create market research reports.
Market research reports provide quantitative and qualitative data with industry overviews, competitive analysis, market trends, product innovations within category, buyer behavior, market share, etc.
This resource is only available from an on-campus wired or wireless connection. Statista consolidates statistical data on over 80,000 topics from more than 22,500 sources, including consumer data, market research, social and cultural statistics, media and advertising data, and more.
BSP is a full-text business database, covering management, economics, finance, accounting, international business. BSP includes access to academic journals, trade journals, company profiles, case studies, market research reports, SWOT analyses and more.
BSP also includes Biographies, Books/Monographs, Book Reviews, Country Reports, Industry Profiles, Interviews, Obituaries, Popular Magazines and Newspapers, Product Reviews, and Working Papers.