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University Library

SYRCE 2016/2017

This guide provides resources for the 2016/2017 SYRCE Program.

Library Media Search



RESEARCH TIP: Use "OR" to pick up various terms in your search. EXAMPLE: 1970s OR 1970's OR seventies


Videos and video/film databases related to the 1970s.
Keep in mind that a lot of primary source footage is included. 

Library Book Search

It is difficult to get started with research when you are faced with an entire decade -- there are so many topics to cover, how will you know where to start? Use the Library Book Search below for books, or visit the Library Catalog for books, media and other resources to explore ideas. 

RESEARCH TIP: Review your class syllabus, make a note of themes, dates, people and subjects you find particularly interesting. Keep notes of keywords to use as you search.

Note: Use quotation marks to search for terms grouped together -- this search pulls up terms precisely as they appear within the quotes. Use the (asterisk) to search for alternate word endings; for instance, 197* retrieves sources from 1970, 1970s, 1971, 1972, 1973, etc. 

Encyclopedias and Databases

Visit Databases By Subject to search by discipline.

For a broad interdisciplinary search, try Academic Search Complete

SEARCH TIP: Keep in mind that "1970's," "1970s," "seventies," and other terms are used to describe the decade, so when you search individual databases, remember to use the * (asterisk) for alternate word endings. Applying this principle in the example below, you would find materials related to "advertising," "advertisements," "advertise," etc. Also, use "OR" to include multiple terms in your search.

Note: In Academic Search Complete, from the Advanced Search page, you can explore Search Options to tailor your results. For example, add in a "Published Date" range to explore publications from a specific year.

Use these reference sources to search broad topic areas. Remember to use your 1970s keywords, and be specific.

Encyclopedias are a great place for initial research topic ideas. You can search the Library Catalog for encyclopedias related to the 1970s. Here are a few examples: